Dennis and Carolyn Adcock


Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight.

Proverbs 3:5-6


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What does it mean to trust?  Who do you trust most in your family? Why?

Trust Fall

Stand up with the person you trust. Stand in front of the person you trust with your back toward them.  Keep your arms to your side, your legs stiff and straight, and fall backwards allowing the person you trust to catch you.

It is easy for us to say we trust. Real trust will show in what we do. Was it hard for you to fall backward and trust that someone would  catch you and not let you fall? We can say that Jesus is Lord of our life, but if we don’t trust Him, is He really? We have to trust Jesus enough to let Him have control of our lives.

King David is a great example of someone who completely trusted God.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart.   Trust: to have confidence in; make secure

As a young shepherd, David trusted God while caring for his father’s sheep. When the flock was attacked by a bear and a lion, David knew it was God who delivered him and kept them all safe.  I Samuel 17:37

Lean not on your own understanding   Understanding: having insight or good judgment

Goliath was a giant fighter for the Philistine army. The Israelite army, including King Saul, relied on their own understanding of how ‘outmatched’ they were to fight him. David relied on the fact that the Lord had proven to be trustworthy in other situations in which David was ‘outmatched’ (the lion and the bear) David trusted the Lord instead of his own understanding of the situation. He relied on God and slew the giant.  I Samuel 17:45

In all your ways acknowledge Him   Acknowledge: know and recognize; accept or admit the existence or truth of

Samuel anointed David as king while he was still a boy caring for sheep at his father’s home. David knew that he was to be the next king of Israel. However, King Saul was still on the throne. Even though Saul was pursuing David to kill him, David acknowledged Saul as King and God as LORD until his appointed time.  I Samuel 24:10

And He will make your paths straight. [removing obstacles that block your way] AMP version

There were many ‘obstacles’ David faced before becoming King of Israel. Even in his darkest moments, God had shown Himself trustworthy. All the ‘obstacles’ were removed when the appointed time came for David to be king. David became the greatest King of Israel and a ‘man after God’s own heart.’

“For the king trusts in the LORD; through the unfailing love                                                                                                           of the Most High he will not be shaken.”

                                                                                Psalm 21:7


Dennis and Carolyn shared with us times they had to trust God. Pray that God will open your eyes to all the ways he has shown himself trustworthy.  Tell your children and  family about times in your life you had to trust God: Maybe for a new job, a sick child, a move, taking care of sick family members, a new relationship. Remembering and talking about these things will help you continue to build trust and help your family to become aware of their need to trust God.


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